[6345] イラク兵器「情報源」自殺、ブレア政権最大の危機? 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/21(Mon) 12:15:43





(2003/7/20/21:45 読売新聞 無断転載禁止)



英ベルファースト・テレグラフ(Belfast Telegraph)から転載します。


How Kelly death will rock the system

By Brian Walker
email: brian.walker@belfasttelegraph.co.uk

A MIGHTY political earthquake is now forming around the shocking death of MoD weapons expert David Kelly.


It will extend far beyond the immediate circumstances of his death, to engulf the whole system of government and government's relations with the media.

First,the Prime Minister's close friend and director of communications Alastair Campbell will find it hard to survive the tragic result of his remorseless and increasingly fruitless vendetta with the BBC, however unforeseeable it may have been.

Geoff Hoon, the Defence Secretary, and the MoD's permanent secretary, Sir Kevin Tebbit, will also be in the firing line for exposing a senior figure to the humiliation of star chamber interrogation by the Foreign Affairs Committee - especially as Kelly himself had quietly volunteered the information that he had talked to the BBC correspondent, Andrew Gilligan.

The Foreign Affairs Committee themselves are far from blameless, not so much for interrogating Kelly but signalling to him that their pursuit of the source was not yet over by summoning Gilligan in secret session the following day.

Kelly, in his own appearance, had thrown them off the scent by denying he was the prime source and they believed him.

But if, in spite of his denial, Lord Hutton's inquiry finds, or the BBC admits in advance, that he actually was the source after all - as Kelly's friend the veteran BBC journalist Tom Mangold believes - then the poor man may have taken his own life, rather than risk exposure and public disgrace.

Nor will the BBC escape censure; the public and lawyers like Lord Hutton, may not sign up to the general media view that sources are sacred and cannot be revealed under almost any circumstances.

Last Thursday I watched Jack Straw take 45 minutes to explain why a Bloody Sunday-type inquiry into the Iraq affair was totally inappropriate because it would take so long.

Ironically, the closer model is the discredited Widgery tribual - because it took only six weeks.

But Hutton may follow a Saville precedent by ordering the BBC to disclose their source, as Saville has done without so far pressing issue.

If the BBC stays silent and Hutton tries to force them to disclose, then a confrontation between the authorities and the media is surely inevitable, risking untold damage to free reporting.

Even now, the normal informal exchanges between officials and reporters that make good reporting possible are under threat: for what official is going to talk to a journalist now if he feels he's going to hauled up before a committee of parliament?

But the shock waves go deeper and further than the media's relations with government, to the heart of government itself.

To adapt Tony Blair's own ringing phrase to the US Congress only two short days ago, history may yet not forgive him for invoking weapons of mass destruction as his prime reason for going to war in Iraq.

Despite the apparent limits on his brief, can Lord Hutton really avoid pursuing the issue of who it was inserted the claim in the September dossier that Saddam could launch WMDs within 45 minutes?
Did Campbell require it? Or was it an intelligence assessment after all? If so, what does that say about the quality of the intelligence?

And most crucially of all, what did Tony Blair himself know and when did he know it? Will he reveal all to Hutton on oath?

Watergate-like, the Kelly affair could yet destabilise if not actually topple, the Prime Minister himself.





Kelly death 'changes everything'

By Nick Assinder
BBC News Online political correspondent

If one thing is certain in the wake of the tragic death of David Kelly it is that politics in Britain has changed for ever.

In the short term, this awful event has changed the entire landscape for the already-beleaguered government, and Tony Blair in particular.

Governments have fallen and prime ministerial careers have collapsed over less.

And, whatever the outcome of the judicial inquiry, this affair will hang over this government for the rest of its life.

There have already been demands from his own side for the prime minister to resign.

And his Defence Secretary Geoff Hoon and, in particular, his spin doctor Alastair Campbell must also be considering their positions.

There will also be some soul searching by those outside parliament, but who regularly engage as players in the political process.

There will clearly be questions over the role played by the BBC, particularly over its previous refusal to confirm Dr Kelly as the principle source for claims Tony Blair "sexed up" the case for war on Iraq.

At the moment there is a notable lack of willingness by anybody to accept responsibility for this tragedy.

But, in this case, that cannot stand.

Public opinion will not allow for there to be no consequences for this.

Amoral game

The judicial inquiry will be expected to finally get to the bottom of this, although whether it will be able to, or wish to, apportion blame is a hugely difficult issue.

But, whatever the inquiry finds, those consequences will have to offer some sort of closure to this affair, at the very least for Dr Kelly's family.

It is all too easy for those who are close to the political process to see it as a game.

A vicious, high stakes and occasionally amoral game, but a game none the less.

After this weekend, that must surely change.

An innocent man who has spent much of his working life shunning the limelight while quietly serving his country was sucked into that game and paid with his life.

David Kelly was not from a world where spin, cynicism and manipulation are the order of the day.

And it was abundantly clear to anyone who witnessed his performance before the foreign affairs select committee that he wanted nothing to do with such a world.

The proceedings of the committee on that day were depressing enough for seasoned politics watchers.

Unthinkable horror

They must have been devastating for Dr Kelly who had very likely already been subjected to days of anguish after telling his bosses he feared he may have been the BBC's source.

So the long term effects of this tragedy must surely be to force all those who participate in politics to look long and hard at their behaviour.

It raises numerous questions about openness, responsibility, trust and even morality.

And there can be no more powerful a case for a new compact between the public and those who are elected to serve it.

It is now unthinkable that, once this horror has passed, we will all simply go back to our old ways.



[6344] アメリカ関連本の紹介 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/21(Mon) 12:14:15



洋泉社MOOK シリーズStartLine1s
●定価 本体1300円+税





第1部 なぜアメリカは帝国化したのか
第2部 アメリカに巣くう恐怖と不安
第3部 アメリカン・スタンダードの知られざる真実
第4部 アメリカの行方、世界の行方





特集 アメリカの虚と実
ブッシュ政権の対日政策と日本         古森義久
「ネオコン」のゴッドファーザー        島村 力
アメリカのデフレ懸念と経済への影響      永井靖敏
米国の左翼、ヘレン・ケレラーからリベラルまで 福井義高

ケーガン爆弾炸裂               佐瀬昌盛
中国のエネルギー戦略             中嶋誠一
極東ロシアにおける中国の「膨張」       木村 汎
安定成長の軌道に乗ったロシア経済       井沢正忠
リヤード連続自爆テロ事件の本質と今後     森 伸生



[6343] まだ序の口、これからだろね 投稿者:YS 投稿日:2003/07/21(Mon) 01:27:04



Italian says she gave uranium info to the U.S.

Saturday, Jul. 19, 2003
10 Questions For Silvio Berlusconi

[6342] スケープゴートたちの挽歌 投稿者:ロシアチョコレート 投稿日:2003/07/20(Sun) 22:55:29


scapegoat 【聖】身代りのヤギ; 他人の(罪を負う)身代り.

聖書箇所: 民数記 29:5 また、雄山羊一匹を贖罪の献げ物とし、あなたたちのために罪を贖う儀式を行う。

Numbers 29:5 Also offer one male goat as a sin offering, and in this way perform the ritual of purification for the people.






 公聴会は非公開で約4時間半にわたり行われた。同委員会のロバーツ委員長(共和党)は、「長官は全面的に責任を受け入れた」と明らかにするとともに、「辞任は必要ないと思う」と述べた。一方、民主党側は同委員会委員で大統領候補でもあるエドワーズ議員が「責任は長官ではなくブッシュ大統領にある」と批判したほか、ロックフェラー議員も「偽情報が個別の問題なのか、イラク戦争を正当化するための世論誘導の仕組みの一部なのか、見極める必要がある」と述べ、問題への関与が指摘されている副大統領やライス大統領補佐官らの召喚を求めていくことを示唆した。(読売新聞) [7月17日20時56分更新]




海外ニュース - 7月19日(土)23時56分

兵器専門家は自殺と英警察 質問攻めに心労、手首切る




 ケリー氏は、疑惑追及をかわすための「いけにえにされた」と見方が出ており、英メディアは、ブレア首相の側近でメディア戦略を指揮するキャンベル首相府報道局長やフーン国防相の進退問題に発展する可能性を指摘している。(共同通信) [7月19日23時56分更新]












[6341] 米大統領支持率、50%に低下・CNNなど世論調査 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/20(Sun) 00:27:47















[6340] パット・ブキャナンの家系をたどる 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/19(Sat) 23:03:07








Some quick research on the internet has turned up a bit of information about the Irish branch of the Buchanan clan, and some interesting insight into Pat Buchanan's Irish connections.

I assumed that Pat Buchanan came from an Irish background because

a) I've seen various references to Buchanans in Ireland
b) I read an article about PB making big deal about St Patrick's Day
c) A first name like Patrick and a Jesuit education certainly carry a suggestion of Irishness

It seems that the Buchanan clan was originally Irish, before migrating to Scotland :

"The Buchanan clan is thought to have origniated in 1016 A.D. when Anselan O'Kyan (or Absalon) fled Ireland. He was the son of the reigning Ulster monarch and was forced to flee Ireland by Canute the Dane. He was then employed by Malcom II (the Scottish king) to defend against Norse attacks in the west.
He was awarded land (through marriage into the family of the Earl of Lennox) on the east bank of Loch Lomond.

The Buchanan lands lying to the east of Loch Lomond, remained in the clan for nearly seven centuries.

The lands and the Buchanan House were sold in 1682 to the 3rd Marquess ofMontrose on the death of John, the 22nd laird. Despite the number of cadet branches, the clan became dispersed." - Clan Buchanan Home Page

James I & VI had a tutor named Buchanan whom he regarded very highly, and he later granted land to the Buchanan clan in Ireland and encouraged a number of them to emigrate there.
This appears to be the origin of the Irish Buchanans in more modern times.

Ireland's Registry of Deeds records that from 1840-1849 people named Buchanan bought property in Co. Clare & Tipperary, Co. Tyrone, City of Londonderry, Co. Kildare, Co. Cork, City and Co. of Dublin, Town Birr, Co. Galoway, City of Londonderry, Co. Antrim, Co. Fermanagh, Town of Enniscoreley, Co. Limerick, Co. Mayo, Co. Wicklow, Co. Donegal, Co. Kildare, Kings Co., Co. Westmeath.

On a Clan Buchanan discussion list, Patty Hopkinson (pattyh@vantek.net) wrote on 2/6/99 :

"Most of the info that I am aware of Ireland's Clan members comes from researching members of the Clan that migrated to North America.

Most Buchanans in North America came through Ireland, where they migrated to from Scotland as early as the 16th century and as late as the 19th century."

In an article in Salon Magazine ( http://www.salon.com/ ) Oct. 27 1999,

Camille Paglia writes :

Many thanks to Dr. Richard Tracey of Carlsbad, Calif., who sends a fascinating letter responding to my description of Pat Buchanan as "Irish Catholic" (vis-a-vis the Brooklyn Museum of Art controversy). The Buchanans on their paternal(父系の) side are actually Scotch-Irish and Presbyterian(スコットランド・アイリッシュで長老派のプロテスタント), "descended from the Scots who benefited from James I's 'plantation' of Ireland with his own countrymen -- who displaced the native Irish whose patrimony Pat claims."

Tracey continues:

"It was Pat's mother (of German-Catholic descent, as I recall) who brought Catholicism to the offspring of her marriage to a Presbyterian man whose inherited family values would likely have been pro-English, anti-Irish. (長老派のスコットランド・アイリッシュの父親は、純粋アイリッシュを嫌って、イングランドよりであった、というあたりの意味か?)

Thus Pat isn't an Irish Catholic, or Irish-American Catholic,
as we generally understand those terms.

His Irishness is pure Orange. (オレンジとは辞書によれば、来たアイルランドのプロテスタントを指す)

Yet he has cloaked himself in the Green for the political effect of being seen to share Ted Kennedy's ancestry while standing against all aspects of the Massachusetts senator's social program.

As a supreme rhetorician, Pat too much enjoys the taste of those ironies to claim publicly his descent from the likes of Ian Paisley. "

Pat Buchanan's Skeleton Closet http://www.realchange.org/buchanan.htm


"He is himself entirely German on his mother's side, and half Irish on his father's."

So Pat Buchanan's claim of "being a member of an Irish-Catholic conservative family of nine children" seems deliberately designed to give an impression which is not true.

It seems he is one quarter Irish-Scottish Protestant, and
the Catholicism comes from his German ancestry.





William Baldwin Buchanan and Catherine Elizabeth Buchanan




"I'm an Irish American and a German American and a Scot Irish American, but I put America first, and that I think is what all of us have to do. And that's the whole idea of 'A Republic, Not an Empire'."




[6339] マイクロソフト社が国土安全省と独占契約を結ぶ 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/17(Thu) 21:00:29




July 15, 2003
Microsoft chosen as exclusive Homeland Security contractor

The Homeland Security Department has chosen Microsoft Corp. as its preferred supplier of desktop computer and server software, according to a statement issued late Tuesday. The move is a significant development in the government’s ongoing merger of 22 agencies and comes as officials are selecting various technology companies’ products as de facto standards for the department.


The contract “establishes a key partnership relationship” between the government and Microsoft, the world’s biggest software maker, the statement said. The department has purchased a license for about 140,000 desktop computers and is consolidating other Microsoft agreements held by Homeland Security agencies into the five-year contract. The deal is worth $90 million.


Homeland Security employees’ computers now will be outfitted with Microsoft’s Windows XP operating system, as well as the Microsoft Office Professional version of software products. And perhaps most important to Homeland Security’s mission to get agencies communicating more easily, Microsoft will provide the standard e-mail software for the entire department.

Months before the Homeland Security Department was established in March, officials labored over an inventory of the various software, hardware and network brands security agencies are using. Their ultimate goal has been to select one company as the sole supplier in each of several technology categories, such as e-mail or desktop computers. Microsoft’s selection for such a wide range of software products would seem to indicate that officials have found those brands are used and favored by the majority of security agencies.

Dell Marketing L.P, a division of Dell Computer Corp., also was chosen to provide “day-to-day management” of the license agreement, the department’s statement said. The statement didn’t disclose the value of that deal. The Microsoft contract was awarded June 27.




[6338] クリスチャン・サイエンス・モニター紙の予備選記事 投稿者:山田宏哉 投稿日:2003/07/17(Thu) 12:28:39





 A ジョン・ケリー上院議員(マサチューセッツ州)。早くから専門家に注目され、ニューハンプシャーでの調査と全体的な資金集めでリードしている。

 B ハワード・ディーン前バーモンド州知事。どこまでも熱狂的なリベラルを引き付け、インターネットを活用し、四月から六月までの資金集めで一位になって皆を驚かせた。

 C ジョセフ・リーバーマン上院議員(コネティカット州)。二〇〇〇年の副大統領候補で、全国調査で首位に立つが、ニューハンプシャーやアイオワでは負け、資金集めでも遅れている。

 D 民主党の予備選があることを知らなかった。選挙は来年ではないの?







[6337] FT: ボーイングが商用ロケット打ち上げから一時撤退? 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/16(Wed) 14:56:32


James Albaugh, chief executive of Boeing's Integrated Defense Systems, said Boeing would focus on the military launch market and had "made the call to exit [parts of] the commercial launch marketplace". As a result Boeing has pulled back from its Delta IV programme, its most recent rocket launcher, and "eliminated" commercial launches that it had expected to take place using this launcher over the next five years.

Boeing to pull back from commercial satellites
By Caroline Daniel in Chicago
Published: July 15 2003 19:14 | Last Updated: July 15 2003 21:34


[6336] 人事:NYT編集主幹に、ビル・ケラー 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/15(Tue) 21:15:28




■新任 ケラーNYタイムズ編集主幹、船出に長文の訂正

ビル・ケラー氏 (写真はNYTのサイトから)







July 15, 2003
Bill Keller, Columnist, Is Selected as The Times's Executive Editor

[6335] Skull and Bones 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/15(Tue) 00:24:57


[6334] The number of U.S. casualties has not outstripped most people's expectations. 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/13(Sun) 10:06:26








Support for Bush Declines As Casualties Mount in Iraq

By Richard Morin and Claudia Deane
Washington Post Staff Writers
Saturday, July 12, 2003; Page A01

Public support for President Bush has dropped sharply amid growing concerns about U.S. military casualties and doubts whether the war with Iraq was worth fighting, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll.

Bush's overall job approval rating dropped to 59 percent, down nine points in the past 18 days. That decline exactly mirrored the slide in public support for Bush's handling of the situation in Iraq, which now stands at 58 percent.

And for the first time, slightly more than half the country -- 52 percent -- believes there has been an "unacceptable" level of U.S. casualties in Iraq, up eight points in less than three weeks.

Still, only 26 percent said there had been more casualties than they had expected. Three in four say they expect "significantly more" American dead and wounded.

The poll found that seven in 10 Americans believe the United States should continue to keep troops in Iraq, even if it means additional casualties. That view was shared by majorities of Republicans, Democrats and political independents.

A majority of the country -- 57 percent -- still consider the war with Iraq to have been worth the sacrifice. That's down 7 percentage points from a Post-ABC News poll in late June, and 13 points since the war ended 10 weeks ago.

Taken together, the latest survey findings suggest that the mix of euphoria and relief that followed the quick U.S. victory in Iraq continues to dissipate, creating an uncertain and volatile political environment. The risks are perhaps most obvious for Bush, whose continued high standing with the American people has been fueled largely by his handling of the war on terrorism and, more recently, the war in Iraq.

On the domestic front, meanwhile, fewer than half the nation approves of Bush's handling of the economy.

The poll found that the failure to locate weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has sharply divided the country. Fifty percent said Bush intentionally exaggerated evidence suggesting Iraq had such weapons, while nearly as many -- 46 percent -- disagreed.

"If we have the capability of finding out that Joe Blow No-Name has dodged his taxes for the past 10 years, why don't we have the capability of . . . finding a foolproof method of finding out whether the intelligence we gather is accurate and making it rock-solid before we jump into another situation?" said James Pike, 41, an auto mechanic from Ogdensburg, N.Y.

Earlier this week, Bush administration officials acknowledged that the president should not have claimed in the State of the Union speech that Iraq had tried to buy uranium from African countries in a bid to build nuclear weapons.

The survey also found that Americans are divided over whether the United States should send troops to Liberia to help enforce a cease-fire in that West African nation's civil war, a move the Bush administration is considering. Fifty-one percent opposed sending troops to Liberia as part of a broader peacekeeping operation, while 41 percent favored the idea.

"I don't really know that we have any business there," said Penny Tarbert, 50, who is disabled and lives in Bucyrus, Ohio. "They've been fighting this [civil war] for a long time. I think we've got ourselves in enough right now that we don't need to be spreading ourselves any thinner."

An overwhelming majority of Americans -- 80 percent -- said they fear the United States will become bogged down in a long and costly peacekeeping mission in Iraq, up eight points in less than three weeks.

"I'm worried about how long we're going to be there," said Betty Stillwell, 71, a writer from central California. "We were supposed to be in there and out. By now I thought they would have set up a government, and they haven't done that yet. . . . I think the whole thing was poorly planned, no thought to the aftermath."

Despite broad doubts and growing concerns, few Americans say it's time for the troops to come home. Three in four support the current U.S. presence in Iraq -- a view shared by large majorities of Republicans (89 percent), Democrats (60 percent) and political independents (75 percent).

The number of U.S. casualties, while troubling to many, has not outstripped most people's expectations. One in four said there had been more casualties than they had anticipated, while 36 percent said there had been fewer and 37 percent said it was about what they had expected.

"I don't think any [casualties] are acceptable, but they're necessary," said Chris Eldridge, 29, an electronics technician from Louisville. "They're a lot lower than I expected. I expected there would be more during the initial fighting. I expected a lot more killed. Fortunately there hasn't been."

Danny Buckner, 53, a Navy retiree who lives in Brownwood, Tex., had a somewhat different view. "Considering we are having a cease-fire we sure are losing a lot of lives," he said. "They're killing us right and left. I don't know what the deal is."

The poll suggests growing public belief that the United States must kill or capture Saddam Hussein for the war to be successful. A 61 percent majority now believe Hussein must be found, up 11 points since April. That view was shared by roughly similar majorities of Republicans, Democrats and political independents.

"It would be nice if we could find Saddam Hussein and get it over with," said Susan Leidich, 39, a homemaker from Birch Run, Mich. "It seems like if the military leaves, it could be like Desert Storm [the 1991 Persian Gulf War], and then Saddam Hussein would take right back over."

The survey suggests that most Americans believe the recent war produced mixed results. Six in 10 said it damaged the image of the United States abroad, and half said the conflict caused permanent damage to U.S. relations with France, Germany and other allies who opposed the war. The public was equally divided whether the war contributed to long-term peace and stability in the Middle East.

But seven in 10 said the war helped improve the lives of the Iraqi people. And six in 10 said it contributed to the long-term security of the United States.

A total of 1,006 randomly selected adults were interviewed July 9 and 10. The margin of sampling error for the overall results is plus or minus 3 percentage points.




[6333] <ウラン偽造文書>ブッシュ政権直撃、CIAの責任で幕引きも 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/12(Sat) 23:11:11




<ウラン偽造文書>ブッシュ政権直撃、CIAの責任で幕引きも (毎日新聞-全文)








[毎日新聞7月12日] ( 2003-07-12-18:42 )



[6332] BAEが米社に売却の記事 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/12(Sat) 22:08:03


Blair to seek share of US defence secrets
By Dan Roberts and Peter Spiegel in London
Published: July 12 2003 0:06 | Last Updated: July 12 2003 0:06


BAE 'considers US deal'

BAE builds military and commercial aircraft
BAE Systems is looking at a tie-up with defence contractor General Dynamics as it searches for a US merger partner, it is reported.


[6331] ハワード・ディーン 当て馬説 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/11(Fri) 12:48:56



Rove Spends the Fourth Rousing Support for Dean

By Juliet Eilperin

Saturday, July 5, 2003; Page A05

Talk about lining up the competition. President Bush's chief political adviser has seen the possible presidential candidates among the Democrats and has found one he apparently thinks his man can beat: former Vermont governor Howard Dean.

Karl Rove tried to stir up enthusiasm for Dean marchers yesterday at the 37th annual Palisades Citizens' Association Fourth of July parade along the District's MacArthur Boulevard, which always attracts plenty of politicians.

As a dozen people marched toward Dana Place wearing Dean for President T-shirts and carrying Dean for America signs, Rove told a companion, " 'Heh, heh, heh. Yeah, that's the one we want,' " according to Daniel J. Weiss, an environmental consultant, who was standing nearby. " 'How come no one is cheering for Dean?' "

Then, Weiss said, Rove exhorted the marchers and the parade audience: " 'Come on, everybody! Go, Howard Dean!' "


[6330] キリスト教ワールドニュース 投稿者:ロシアチョコレート 投稿日:2003/07/10(Thu) 18:29:43









 会議はまたEU 憲法草案を歓迎した。「草案は教会の特別な性質と貢献を認識し、構造化され、そして透明な対話の維持を表現している」と言う。ただ会議は、ヨーロッパのキリスト教遺産についてEU 憲法に明記するとうにとをローマ教皇ヨハネ・パウロ2世など教会指導者が要求していることを支持しなかった。







































































[6329] 独首相、伊次官の中傷発言でイタリア休暇を中止 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/10(Thu) 10:44:48




ドイツ:失言に抗議し、伊バカンス中止 シュレーダー首相





[毎日新聞7月10日] ( 2003-07-10-00:36 )










Schröder throws in towel over Italy's jibes
By Hugh Williamson in Berlin
Published: July 9 2003 20:39 | Last Updated: July 9 2003 20:39

Gerhard Schröder has had enough of Italy.




[6328] 米国社会の不平等の広がり 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/10(Thu) 09:57:16






 日本は政治や経済の意思決定への女性の参加度合いを示す指標では44位で、前年の32位からさらに後退。人間開発指数と「女性参加」の順位の差が最も大きい国となった。韓国も人間開発は30位だが女性参加は63位と低迷した。UNDPは日米欧17カ国だけを対象に所得格差や失業などを詳しく分析した先進国向けの指数も公表。人間開発で3位のスウェーデンが首位に上がり、7位の米国は最下位の17位に沈んだ。日本は10位。UNDPは「スウェーデンは国民1人当たり所得は米国より低いが、識字率は高く貧困層が少ない」と強調し、米国社会の不平等の広がりを指摘した。(ジュネーブ=清水真人) (21:46)





米銃乱射:犯行の動機は人種差別か 犠牲者5人中4人が黒人




[毎日新聞7月9日] ( 2003-07-09-08:12 )








奥田:これが理由でしょ?“Two of the three AL starting outfielders are from Japan.”


ESPN Baseballより

All-Star selections offer some surprises

“Two of the three AL starting outfielders are from Japan.”




[6327] 黒人票獲得を狙った国内向けアピール 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/10(Thu) 09:35:21




米大統領:アフリカ歴訪を開始 リベリアの停戦維持に協力





[毎日新聞7月9日] ( 2003-07-09-00:40 )





African sceptics unmoved by Bush's slavery speech

Rory Carroll in Pretoria
Wednesday July 9, 2003
The Guardian




[6326] ブッシュ米大統領:対イラク戦の情報ねつ造言及避ける 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/09(Wed) 22:43:40



7月09日 21:03




 ホワイトハウスは8日、米国家安全保障会議(NSC)の報道官声明で、イラクの核開発計画の根拠とされたイラクとニジェールの取り引きを示す契約書類について「でっち上げられたものだったと分かった」と公式に認めた。[毎日新聞7月9日] ( 2003-07-09-21:02 )



[6325] Beat around the“ Bush” 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/08(Tue) 11:28:51




ブッシュ米大統領:アフリカ歴訪へ出発 リベリア和平が焦点







[毎日新聞7月8日] ( 2003-07-08-08:22 )







Bush begins his African odyssey today, but is he there to plunder or provide?

Tiny African island wonders if America's scramble for its oil will bring untold riches or yet more pain

Rory Carroll in Sao Tome, west Africa
Monday July 7, 2003
The Guardian


Oil and terrorism drive the presidential tour

Julian Borger in Washington
Monday July 7, 2003
The Guardian




[6324] 伊首相:「ナチス」発言問題で、謝罪は否定 投稿者:奥田勝典(1278) 投稿日:2003/07/06(Sun) 08:37:39



regret・・・used to say in a polite or formal way that you are sorry or sad about a situation

apologise・・・to say that you are sorry for doing sth wrong or causing a problem











[毎日新聞7月5日] ( 2003-07-05-09:55 )




'I won't apologise for my Nazi joke'

Italian PM insists that others misinterpreted his remarks

Sophie Arie in Rome and Ian Black in Brussels
Saturday July 5, 2003
The Guardian




[6323] 米大統領、「まだ戦争状態」と強調 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/05(Sat) 22:12:50



米大統領、「まだ戦争状態」と強調 独立記念日の演説




 また、「我が米軍は新時代の脅威に直面している。この国は、我が国の制服を着ている男性と女性に感謝している」とも語り、イラク戦争に参戦した空軍基地の隊員や家族らをねぎらった。 (07/05 12:21)




産経Web | SPECIAL イラク戦争

毎日新聞 イラク復興


[6322] イラク戦争と米国メディア 投稿者:ロシアチョコレート 投稿日:2003/07/05(Sat) 16:09:56

『あけぼの』7月号 女子パウロ会 の「時」の動き・第19回 酒井新二(共同通信社顧問) イラク戦争と米国メディアから一部貼り付け


イラク戦争と米国メディア(1)(「あけぼの」2003年7月号より)酒井 新ニ






酒井 新二(さかい しんじ)




[6321] 米将軍が“対イラク戦はまだ続いている”と語った 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/05(Sat) 01:33:22




General Says 'We're Still at War' in Iraq as Attacks Continue



BAGHDAD, Iraq, July 3 - Two months after President Bush declared the end of major combat, the commander of allied forces in Iraq acknowledged today that ``we're still at war,'' and the United States announced a reward of up to $25 million for the capture of Saddam Hussein or confirmation of his death.

バグダッド―3日 ブッシュ大統領が戦闘終了を宣言してから2ケ月経つが、現地の同盟軍の兵士たちは、「まだ戦争中だ」と認識している。なぜならば米国は、フセインを捕らえた者や死を確認した者に2千5百万ドルの懸賞金を出すと発表しているからだ。

The statement from the Army commander, Lt. Gen. Ricardo S. Sanchez, came on a day in which 10 American soldiers were wounded in three separate attacks.

With the violence seemingly escalating daily, the offer of a bounty for Mr. Hussein seemed to reflect the renewed urgency that allied officials and military commanders attach to finding the deposed Iraqi leader and his two sons, whose specter they believe is fueling the growing resistance to the American occupation.

``Until we know for sure, their names will continue to cast a shadow of fear over this country,'' L. Paul Bremer III, the American civilian administrator of Iraq, said in his weekly address to the Iraqi people.

In Washington today, a group of senators just back from a three-day visit to Iraq were even more emphatic about the need to capture or kill Mr. Hussein.

``There's a pervasive climate of fear that is impeding the recovery, particularly in central and southern Iraq,'' said Senator Susan Collins, a Maine Republican. ``There is a fear that he will return, that he will come back. And that fear prevents us from making progress as rapidly as we otherwise would, and that fear emboldens those who would attack our troops.''

The $25 million reward for Mr. Hussein is the same amount offered for Osama bin Laden, the leader of Al Qaeda. Mr. Bremer said that up to $15 million apiece would be offered for similar information on Mr. Hussein's sons, Uday and Qusay.

Mr. Bremer said in an interview on Sunday that the ``general assessment'' of people he talked to was that Saddam Hussein was still in Iraq. Referring to the recent capture of Mr. Hussein's presidential secretary, Mr. Bremer said, ``The noose is going to get tighter and tighter.''

While Mr. Bremer maintained that the threats and violence against American soldiers and civilians, as well as the Iraqis working with them, would not deter reconstruction, General Sanchez made clear at a news conference today that rebuilding the country and fighting the enemy would have to take place side by side.

While saying the daily attacks on American forces did not appear to be centrally or even regionally coordinated, the commander acknowledged that there had been an ``increase in sophistication of the explosive devices.'' He said 25 soldiers had been killed in action and 177 wounded since May 1, when Mr. Bush declared the official cessation of major hostilities.

The multiple attacks today came a day after Mr. Bush essentially dared militants to attack American soldiers, saying, ``Bring `em on.'' The American-led alliance, he said, has adequate force to deal with the security situation.

Today's attacks seemed to defy that assertion. They also suggested that sapping the resistance might not be as simple as capturing or killing Mr. Hussein. The attacks occurred in diverse locations: a Sunni area west of Baghdad that staunchly supported the former government, a Shiite neighborhood in Baghdad that did not and the center of the city.

In the Baghdad neighborhood of Kadhimiya today, a gunman opened fire on a group of soldiers from the First Armored Division on foot patrol at 2:30 a.m. local time, wounding one of them. The soldiers returned fire, killing the gunman and wounding a 6-year-old boy with him, according to an American military spokesman.

In the city of Ramadi, about 65 miles west of Baghdad, six soldiers were wounded when their two-vehicle convoy drove over an improvised explosive device at 6:30 a.m. The city's Sunni Muslim residents were among the core of Mr. Hussein's base of support, serving as army officers and officials in his government.

Ramadi has become a center of resistance to the American-led occupation. It is about 30 miles west of Falluja, where an explosion at a Sunni mosque killed at least six people on Monday night. An allied investigation blamed a bomb-making class being held in a building adjacent to the mosque, although Reuters today quoted a senior military intelligence officer in Falluja as saying the investigation had so far not been that conclusive. Many residents accused the Americans of firing a missile into the mosque and promised revenge against American troops.

In Baghdad, just before 10 a.m. today, a man on foot fired a rocket-propelled grenade at a three-vehicle military convoy moving down Haifa Street, a busy thoroughfare. One Humvee was struck, wounding three soldiers, witnesses and a military spokesman said.

Witnesses also said that in response, soldiers in one of the other vehicles opened fire indiscriminately, seriously wounding, and possibly killing, at least one Iraqi driver nearby. Blood pooled next to the driver's blue Volkswagen Passat soon after the attack.

The attack suggested that the urban warfare that had so concerned military planners before the fall of the Hussein government was materializing in unexpected forms. The attack against the three-vehicle convoy on Haifa Street was at least the second rocket-propelled grenade assault in Baghdad during daylight hours this week.

In both cases, the attackers escaped. Whether out of fear or sympathy for their cause, bystanders and witnesses have done nothing to help allied forces apprehend attackers.

Soldiers who arrived at the scene of the rocket-propelled grenade attack in Baghdad this morning crouched by their vehicles or pointed their weapons at the high-rise apartment buildings lining that section of the street. In the distance, an AK-47 rifle sounded.

A crowd of people gathered around the destroyed Humvee and looted it, taking whatever they could remove. Children and adults climbed on top, stomping on it and chanting, ``God bless Muhammad!'' Then someone set the vehicle on fire, and the crowd backed away, watching it slowly burn. Children hurled stones at the blazing vehicle.

More American reinforcements arrived to clear the crowd and guard the vehicle. An armored vehicle drove through and paused, training its gun first on the crowd and then on the apartments above. Helicopters circled low overhead.

Some bystanders expressed support for the attack. ``All men should fight,'' Nidhal Latif Tawfiq said. ``If I wasn't a woman, I would go to that car,'' she said of the Humvee surrounded by looters. ``I have no job.''

The crowd's ire seemed to be fueled as much by a lack of jobs and electric power in Baghdad - most parts of the city still have no more than 8 to 10 hours of electricity a day - as by anti-American sentiment.

``It's not because of Saddam that people are doing these things,'' one man said. ``It is because there's no government, there's no electricity and just false promises.''

A 12-year-old boy, Ghanim Hamid, carrying part of a military food ration taken from the Humvee, asked if it was true that the Americans were withholding water and power from the Iraqis because Iraqis were shooting at the troops.

``Get out from our country,'' someone had scrawled on a wall nearby. It was written in English, so for the soldiers passing by there would be no mistaking its meaning.




[6320] 次はイランなのか? 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/04(Fri) 12:18:29














Global War Looms?
02.07.2003 [01:33]

Two weeks ago, a prince of the Kuwaiti Royal family received a phone call from an aide to Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld asking if the complex was available. The prince already suspected it was needed for one of those secret meetings, which Washington has taken to holding in the Gulf.

The next day a Hercules transport landed at Kuwait’s international airport. From it emerged a group of pale-faced, middle-aged men in drill shirts and chinos. They carried laptops and bulky briefcases.

To a casual observer they were just another delegation from Washington involved in post-war Iraq. But these men were the forward planners for the next war—the one against Iran.

Within an hour of installing themselves in their palatial surroundings—securely guarded by U.S. forces—they had unloaded their maps of Iran, downloaded their computer images of its terrain and set about planning “Target Iran.”

Secure communications lines had been established and tested with Washington. One was to the CIA, another to the Pentagon. Down those lines and on to their secure computers, the Kuwaiti task force would receive the latest intelligence from inside Iran.

Some of that intel would come from Israel—from Mossad deep cover agents in Tehran.

They will ensure that “Target Iran” being planned in that royal complex would lack nothing in information. The men based there are a Pentagon think tank for the next war.

They are some of the “neo-cons”—a new breed of “conservative” intellectuals who are determined to steer the Bush administration toward an even more aggressive, go-it-alone posture. They are headed in Washington by the hard-liner, John Bolton, the under-secretary of state for arms control.

The day the “neo-cons” landed in Kuwait, Bolton, a political mirror image of Rumsfeld, had issued a new warning about a supposed nuclear threat posed by Iran.

Bolton did so in a speech to the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington. His theme was the nuclear dangers “this administration intends to confront once the war with Iraq is over.”

He concluded: “In the aftermath of Saddam, dealing with the Iranian nuclear weapons program will be of equal importance to dealing with the threat that North Korea continues to pose.”

His powerful audience—many of them key lobbyists for Israel on Capitol Hill—gave him a standing ovation. This was what they had come to hear. After Iraq—Iran.

They knew that Bolton, a grey-suited saturnine man with a colorless speaking style, was there as the front man for other powerful men in the Bush administration. They include Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz and Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith. They are the most senior Pentagon officials after Rumsfeld.

Other members of this group include Lewis Libby, chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney and Elliot Abrams, in charge of Middle East policy at the National Security Council. All are key supporters of Israel. They also form the very core of advocacy for Bush’s “muscular democracy.” This is dedicated to attacking America’s “enemies” head on.

Former CIA Director James Woolsey, in a recent speech in Los Angeles, said: “The Iraq campaign is really just the start of the Third World War and one that may well last for decades.”

The neo-cons in their Kuwait redoubt had brought with them to the hot desert sands a list of targets. They included Pakistan, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Burma, Cuba, North Korea and eventually China.

In their briefcases was a copy of what has become their leitmotif: the briefing paper CIA Director George Tenet prepared for Bush on overall global strategy.

“By 2015 China will have deployed many missiles with nuclear warheads targeted against the United States, mostly more-survivable land and sea mobile missiles,” states the paper.

To prepare for the attack on Iran—expected in early 2004, less than a year from now—the team of analysts, logisticians and support specialists gathered in the Kuwait holiday complex. They have been ordered to get their plans for an assault on Iran up and running.

“Target Iran” will follow the same ruthless, all-consuming path as the destruction of the Saddam regime.


Already, in the plans to rebuild Iraq, the Pentagon has earmarked Saddam’s military airfields for its use against Iran.

U.S. bases in Afghanistan will provide the most powerful air force in the world with the ability to launch a pincer air attack.

This will be supported by U.S. carriers and missile-launching battleships in the Gulf.

Turkey will be dragooned into allowing its air space to be used for northern air attacks.

The neo-cons estimate that Iran can, in the words of Bolton, be “rolled-over” in double quick time, “probably quicker than it took to wrap up Saddam.”

The mullahs of Tehran are, in comparison to Iraq, poorly equipped. Their aircraft, in modern terms, are nearly vintage. They have nothing to match America’s F-18s or its tank-busters.

True, on the ground it can put into the field a substantial army. But again, it is ill equipped to fight a modern tech-war.

The neo-cons press on—ignoring the warning of seasoned diplomats in the State Department.

Two of Secretary of State Colin Powell’s advisers wrote a memo to him stating there was a growing risk that the policies advocated by Bolton and his group are “spreading growing resentment around the world.”

A copy was faxed to National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice. It would not have influenced her. She is the hard-liner closest to Bush. She is the soft-spoken and articulate voice of the architects of American military might.

In the early days of the Bush administration, she kept the peace between Rumsfeld and Powell.

In a memorable phrase about this part of her work, she said: “my job is to let Colin talk people to death while allowing Donald to say he is going to hit him over the head if they didn’t listen.”

But now she is firmly in the Rumsfeld corner. Powell, for all his brave words about the war in Iraq being essential, is still becoming increasingly marginalized. His personal relationship with Rice has been reduced to frosty smiles at cabinet meetings.

At the meetings Bolton holds with his key Pentagon officials, with Rumsfeld sometimes sitting in, Powell is excluded.

The key element of their plotting is that Iraq is the natural “road map” to dealing with Iran.

Which road will Bush finally take? The answer almost certainly lies in the Washington calendar for action.

Another U.S. election year approaches. The all-powerful Israeli lobby in the United States will press hard for action so that Iran can no longer pose a threat to Israel.

And just as hard-line Zionists like to say, “next year in Jerusalem,” so its hawkish Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has started to murmur “next year in Tehran—God and Mr. Bush willing.”






Blame the governments of the world
by Crazyhorse guest on 02.07.2003 [15:59]

Whatever the US does to kill more people in the world the blame lays squarely at the feet of the governments and people of the world, i.e. EU, Russia, China, Japan, Middle East, and the rest of Asia. The US cannot function without the governments of the world continually taking the US dollar as a reserve currency. Stop taking the US dollar and the US stops it's agression-SIMPLE!

[6319] Re[6318]: Google Search: can 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/04(Fri) 12:04:29



If you are George Bush and typed the country's name in the address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. (IRAQ).


[6318] Google Search: can't find Weapons of Mass Destruction 投稿者:NT 投稿日:2003/07/04(Fri) 07:15:18

Weapons of Mass Destruction:

1. Go to the Google home page
2. Type "weapons of mass destruction" and click "I'm feeling lucky"
3. Now read the error message very carefully...

[6317] どうなるかね〜 投稿者:YS 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 23:40:12

Japan's delay in Iran may open door for China
Rajat Bhattacharya Bloomberg News
Wednesday, July 2, 2003


[6316] かなり面白いロシア政界情報 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 22:52:10




Yukos arrests interpreted as warning to oligarch
By Arkady Ostrovsky in Moscow
Published: July 3 2003 12:31 | Last Updated: July 3 2003 12:31

Shares in Yukos, Russia's largest oil company, were hit on Thursday following the arrest of the company's second largest shareholder, Platon Lebedev, who is also a close ally of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the CEO of Yukos and Russia's most politically active oligarch.

Mr Lebedev who is Russia's 13th richest man, according to Forbes magazine, was arrested on Wednesday night in connection with the theft of a state-owned stake in a fertiliser plant in 1994.

Russian police on Wednesday also charged the head of Yukos' security department, Alexei Pichugin, with being an accomplice to the murder of two individuals in 2002.

Mr Lebedev owns 7 per cent of the Gibraltar-registered Group Menatep, which controls 60 per cent of Yukos and is worth an estimated $1.3bn. His arrest is widely interpreted in Moscow as part of an orchestrated attack on Yukos, which is in the process of acquiring Sibneft, and a warning to Mr Khodorkovsky (pictured) to tone down his political ambitions.

Mr Khodorkovsky recently confirmed that he personally financially supports two liberal opposition parties - Yabloko and the Union of Right Forces - that are competing for parliament seats with the Kremlin-sponsored One Russia party. He supports regional newspapers and has agreed to invest $100m over 10 years in Moscow Humanitarian University, a move which has been seen as an effort to bring up a new generation of the country's political elite.

Mr Khodorkovsky has also been campaigning for greater transparency of Russian companies and improved standards of corporate governance.

Most Russian observers link the arrests with the parliamentary elections this year and presidential election next year. Although Mr Khodorkovsky has never openly stated his political intentions, he is rumoured to have ambitions for the post of the prime-minister and even president.

Liliya Shevtsova, senior associate of Moscow Carnegie Centre, said: "This is a warning to Khodorkovsky to keep out of politics if he does not want to share the fate of Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky [two Russian tycoons who found themselves in exile after falling out with Vladimir Putin]. It is an alarming symptom."

Some analysts also linked the high-profile arrests at Yukos to the show-case arrests of corrupt policemen two weeks ago, which were televised and designed to demonstrate the Kremlin's determination to fight corruption.

"Unfortunately the conclusion is that this is a political move and a reaction to Khodorkovsky's and his allies' political ambitions," Kommersant newspaper quoted Alfa Bank first deputy chairman Oleg Sysuyev as saying.

Shares in Yukos opened 6.1 per cent down in Moscow on Thursday as nervous investors sold stock following the arrests.

However, the shares recovered half of the lost value to trade 3.25 per cent lower at $14.08. Market participants were eagerly awaiting the opening of the New York market where Yukos' shares are traded in form of American Depository Receipts.

"The market is taking the news in its stride, although most people are still not sure what these arrests mean," said Stephen O'Sullivan, head of research at United Financial Group.


[6315] 「かかってこい」と大統領 イラク治安悪化にいら立ち 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 21:08:37




「かかってこい」と大統領 イラク治安悪化にいら立ち



 大統領は「米軍を攻撃すれば永久に立ち去ると考えている人々がいる。彼らは何も分かっていない」と述べ、治安維持に向けた決意を強調。また、イラク開戦の理由の1つだった大量破壊兵器が見つかっていないことについて「(証拠が見つかるのは)時間の問題だ」と自信を示した。(共同通信) [7月3日9時53分更新]





Bush Vows to Pursue Those Who Harm U.S. Soldiers in Iraq


WASHINGTON, July 2 ・President Bush vowed today to pursue and prosecute Iraqis who attack American troops, saying: "Bring `em on! We've got the force necessary to deal with the security situation.

"Anybody who wants to harm American troops," Mr. Bush said, "will be found and brought to justice."

The president also repeated his promise, made Tuesday, that the continuing fatal attacks on American troops in Iraq would not shake his resolve to stabilize and rebuild Iraq, saying he has no intention of withdrawing troops before "we accomplish the task."

His comments came as still another serviceman died today as the result of wounds received in an ambush on Tuesday. That brings to at least 25 the number of Americans who have died in combat since Mr. Bush declared an end to major hostilities in Iraq in May.

"We're not going to get nervous," Mr. Bush told reporters at a White House ceremony to name the head of a $15 billion program to fight AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean.

Jack Straw, the British Foreign Secretary, issued a similar public statement of resolve while traveling in Kuwait today on his way to Basra, Iraq, where British troops are stationed.

"There is absolutely no question of those attacks leading to a pullout," Mr. Straw said. "We will be staying in Iraq for as long as it takes to support the Iraqi people, to establish representative government and to establish decent social and economic services for the Iraqi people."

Six British soldiers were killed in a gun battle in the southern Iraqi town of Majar al Kabir last week.

Mr. Bush, too, said American troops would remain in Iraq until they complete the task of creating "a free country run by the Iraqi people."

American officials have been growing increasingly defensive as the number and severity of the attacks has increased in recent days.

"There are so many cartoons where people, oppressed people are saying, `Is it Vietnam yet?' ・hoping it is and wondering if it is," Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said during a news briefing on Monday. "And it isn't. It's a different time. It's a different era. It's a different place."

Mr. Rumsfeld began his first term as defense secretary in 1975 just months after the Vietnam War had ended.

The administration's defensiveness flared again today, when Mr. Bush said, "There are certain people there who would like to run us out of there, create conditions where we get nervous and decide to leave." But, he declared, "we're not leaving."

Still, numerous political and military analysts have said in recent days that the American troop strength in Iraq must be increased, and that other countries ought to be encouraged to contribute additional forces.

In an interview this week, Jay Garner, the retired Army lieutenant general who initially led the reconstruction effort in Iraq, said the fighting in Iraq "appears now that it's taken on a guerrilla war nature, so we might need more" troops.

Early this week, General Richard B. Myers, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, said he would wait for recommendations from commanders on the ground in Iraq before deciding whether to send additional forces.

Today, Mr. Bush said, "we'll put together a force structure that meets the threats on the ground."
At the same time, a delegation of senators visiting Iraq made remarks that echoed Mr. Bush's resolve, The Associated Press reported.

"This coalition of armed forces is never, ever going to give in, irrespective of what is thrown at it," said Senator John W. Warner, the Virginia Republican who is chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. "It will never give in until freedom replaces the tyranny of Saddam Hussein and his regime."

Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, the ranking Democrat on the Armed Services Committee, urged the Bush administration to bring other nations' forces into Iraq, but he added, "We need the patience to stay the course."

In his remarks at the White House today, Mr. Bush also said he was pleased by the tentative steps toward peace both Israelis and Palestinians have made in recent days.

"The best way to describe it is we're really happy with what we've seen so far," he said. "But we're realists in this administration. We understand that there's been years of hatred and distrust, and we'll continue to keep the process moving forward."

Mr. Bush added that while he was optimistic, "I also recognize the nature of the Middle East."

"I mean, there are people there who still hate," he said. "They hate Israel. They hate the idea of peace. They can't stand the thought of a peaceful state existing side-by-side with Israel. And they may be willing to attack. And what we must continue to do is to reject that kind of thought."



[6314] 大統領選挙ウェブサイト 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 18:04:09





[6313] マックス・ブート:インドの植民地行政に見習え論 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 17:06:25



Important as law enforcement is - and it is crucial - other things also need to be done to get a country such as Iraq back on its feet. Schools need to reopen, an army should be trained, sewage must be treated, electricity restored, mayors selected - and so on and on. The US army is currently doing most of these tasks. But its civil affairs units are stretched thin. In many cases the job has defaulted to a 22-year-old second lieutenant who has been trained to kill people, not to help them run a factory. He is probably doing a decent job, all things considered, but he would be the first to say he is not the best person for the position.

The irony is that there is no shortage of US experts in all these fields, in and out of government, many of them veterans of prior peacekeeping operations. What is lacking is a central office that can marshal their expertise.

We need to create a colonial office - fast.

Of course, it cannot be called that. It needs an anodyne euphemism such as Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance. But it should take its inspiration, if not its name, from the old British Colonial Office and India Office. Together, these two institutions ran large swaths of the world with a handful of bright, honest, industrious civil servants. They had an enormous impact, given the small numbers involved; there were seldom more than 1,000 members of the Indian civil service to administer hundreds of millions of Indians. Like its British predecessors, the US colonial service needs to be an elite civilian agency that can call on forces for assistance where appropriate.



The writer, Olin senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, is author of The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power



Max Boot

Max Boot is Olin Senior Fellow in National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York, and a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard.

His last book, The Savage Wars of Peace: Small Wars and the Rise of American Power (Basic Books) was selected as one of the best books of 2002 by The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times and The Christian Science Monitor. He is now writing his next book, a history of military technology revolutions over the past 500 years, tentatively titled, War Made New: Four Great Revolutions That Changed the Face of Battle.

Before joining the Council in October 2002, Boot spent eight years as a writer and editor at The Wall Street Journal, the last five years as editorial features editor. He was twice named one of America's 30 leading business journalists under 30 by the TGFR Newsletter. From 1992 to 1994 he was an editor and writer at The Christian Science Monitor.

Boot's writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Financial Times, The Weekly Standard, Foreign Affairs, and many other publications

Boot is a frequent public speaker who has addressed institutions ranging from the Naval War College to the American Bar Association to Dartmouth University. He has also appeared on CNN, Fox News Channel, CNBC, ABC, National Public Radio, and numerous other television and radio outlets.

Boot holds a bachelor's degree in history, with high honors, from the University of California, Berkeley (1991), and a master's degree in history from Yale University (1992). He lives with his wife and three children in Larchmont, N.Y.



[6312] ベルルスコーニがまた失言 投稿者:アルルの男・ヒロシ 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 11:13:02



Berlusconi under fire over 'Nazi' jibe
By Tobias Buck in Strasbourg
Published: July 2 2003 20:45 | Last Updated: July 2 2003 20:45

Italy's two-day-old presidency of the European Union on Wednesday descended into acrimony after Silvio Berlusconi compared a German member of the European parliament to a Nazi concentration camp guard.

The Italian prime minister's "ironic" remark caused outrage in Berlin and alienated many MEPs with whom he will have to work during his six months at the helm of the EU.

The remarks fuelled widely held concerns over Mr Berlusconi's ability to provide leadership at a time when the EU faces unprecedented challenges, from healing the transatlantic rift to securing agreement for a European constitutional treaty.

By insulting Germany and the European parliament, which decides most legislation, Mr Berlusconi's task will be that much harder. He has previously upset France and European Commission president Romano Prodi.

Mr Berlusconi was reported to have partially apologised in a private meeting, but only for offence caused to the German people, not to the target of his comments Martin Schulz, the Germany social democrat MEP.

His comments came after Mr Schulz criticised the prime minister's conflicts of interest, the anti-immigration rhetoric of one of his ministers and poked fun at his ability to avoid prosecution.

Mr Berlusconi calmly waited for his turn to speak, then said: "Mr Schulz, I know there is a producer in Italy making a film on the Nazi concentration camps. I would suggest you as the role of the guard. You would be perfect."

The chamber erupted, but Mr Berlusconi later said: "My joke was not meant to be offensive. It was ironic. I have no intention to apologise. He attacked me and was offensive about me and my country."

Graham Watson, leader of the parliament's liberal group, said: "He has used words which debase the presidency of the council and offend Europe."

The exchange overshadowed the presentation of Mr Berlusconi's priorities for his tenure. He said he hoped to heal divisions in the transatlantic alliance and foster agreement on the EU's constitution. He would also push for more spending on Europe's transport infrastructure and defence.

Additional reporting by Fred Kapner in Milan




[6311] Re[6310]: 日本が米国の圧力にも関わらず、イランと交渉を継続中 投稿者:山田宏哉 投稿日:2003/07/03(Thu) 09:28:27



また、イランは日本がイランの核開発を問題視していることが気に食わないようで、ハラジ外相は「日本の優先交渉権は時間切れ」(日経テレコン ハイパーニュース)などと日本を牽制しているようです。


掲載日:2003/07/03 媒体:日本経済新聞 朝刊 ページ: 2 文字数:908









[6310] 日本が米国の圧力にも関わらず、イランと交渉を継続中 投稿者:会員番号1259 投稿日:2003/07/02(Wed) 23:53:45




Dubai:Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Japan continues Iran talks despite pressure from U.S.

Tokyo |Reuters | 01-07-2003
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A Japanese government-backed consortium is still in talks on a $2 billion deal to develop a giant oilfield in Iran, Tokyo's third-largest oil supplier, officials said yesterday, after a report that Washington was pressuring Japan to back out.

Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh said this month a $2 billion deal for Azadegan, one of the world's biggest untapped fields, could be signed with a Japanese consortium by early July.

But a weekend report in the Financial Times said Washington was asking Japan to pull out of the deal to raise pressure on Tehran to open up its nuclear sites to inspections.

Japanese Foreign Ministry officials said talks with Iran were still in progress. "Negotiations are being conducted steadily," one official said over the telephone, declining to say when a deal might be signed.

Asked whether the United States had pressured Japan to back out of the deal, the official said: "Generally speaking we have discussions with the United States, but I can't say whether there have been any or not."

An Iranian official confirmed the talks were still on.

"Negotiations on the development of the Azadegan oilfield are still continuing between this company and the Japanese companies," the official IRNA news agency quoted Oil Development and Engineering Company head Abolhassan Khamoushi as saying.

"Agreements have been achieved on some issues like the production ceiling, but agreements on the project cost have yet to be achieved," said Khamou-shi, whose company is affiliated to the Oil Ministry.

The United States, which accuses Tehran of seeking nuclear weapons, has placed sanctions against Iran that prohibit U.S. firms from investing in the country, branded by Washington as part of an "axis of evil".

Resource-poor Japan, however, has never been comfortable with the inclusion of Iran in the triad along with communist North Korea and Iraq under toppled leader Saddam Hussein.

"Iran is an important country for Japan, and also Iran's moves directly affect the peace and stability of the region so we have lots of concerns about what they do," said Jiro Okuyama, assistant press secretary at Japan's Foreign Ministry.

But he declined to comment on the contents of any specific exchanges with the United States on the topic.

Officials at government-backed Japan Petroleum Exploration Co (JAPEX) and Japanese trading house Tomen Corp said they had no comment.

Officials at Japan's Indonesia Petroleum Ltd (INPEX), another member of the Japanese consortium, said only that negotiations were continuing.

The portion of the Azadegan oil field that could be developed by Japan is expected to yield 300,000 bpd.

